Category Archives: color

Photoshop CC: Saturation, Vibrance and Luminance Mask


What is the difference between saturation, vibrance and luminance?  I found myself in the midst of a class on advanced tools and techniques for Photoshop and I watched a young man go screaming for the saturation slider and just shredding what should have been a reasonable correction.  I was not sure he was going to get much out of the class as many of the concepts to be covered required a foundational knowledge of Photoshop to get through.

Continue reading Photoshop CC: Saturation, Vibrance and Luminance Mask

Los Angeles in Music, 2016

On a week long trip to Los Angeles, I had a chance to visit some of my old haunts and reconnect with my brother and his family. I happened to mention how I missed going to Tower Records and the recent documentary on Tower Records rise and demise. My newfound best LA friend and sister-in-law decided I needed a big surprise. Continue reading Los Angeles in Music, 2016

Smithfield Market Color Study

I have covered the photography and editing of this image in a more detailed previous post. The following day I decided it was more deserving of my time and I continued to work with it for an additional hour or so. Then I added a matte and title.  Getting color in a studio environment is one thing, but sometimes finding it in the wild outside of the birds, bees, and other fauna can be a bit of a task. Continue reading Smithfield Market Color Study

Winter Rain Macro Photograph

Not all photography needs great planning and sometimes it is just a few feet from your front door, as was the case with this image. I had my macro lens attached and took several photos with an idea in my mind of what I wanted. However this was a happy accident, turning out much better than what I was trying to create.

I have a small confession: I’m usually very good about keeping RAW files on my hard disk and backup drives, but I must have blown it this time as I can only find the photoshop file. The technique I used to bring up the color of this image is discussed in the second half of this post. I apologize for this oversight.

Still Life

This photo is a color study I did as part of tuning my system, such as the camera itself to the screen ICM profiles on my Mac and finally the printer profiles for output. I found a simple peacock feather to be a daunting subject when photographed against a black background, but persistence ruled the day.

London, England

I as much stumbled across this scene as anything I had ever taken.

We were walking down Whitehall, heading for a recommended pub where a good lunch was to be had at a reasonable price, when I spotted a pair of the Queen’s House Cavalry manning their post in front of their barracks. They were already demonstrating their spot on discipline, with tourists jockeying for position for selfies with the horses and I didn’t want to be just another idiot showing something bordering on disrespect. Continue reading London, England