Category Archives: Panoramas

The Thames River: Photography at Night.

2016 was a bit of a tempest for my family and many things had to be pushed to the back burner. Only recently have I been able to return to my various hobbies and writing. This proved to be more of a trial, made evident when I happened to hit the wrong button and deleted many of the images from this site. This turned out to be fortuitous as I had to go through various backup drives and SD chips, searching for images to restore my site and, in the process, found many other images waiting to be edited and posted. Continue reading The Thames River: Photography at Night.

Kitt Peak Observatory, Arizona

An early morning run across Arizona on an 80 mile trek west of Tucson for a few good pictures before I had to dodge the crowds. This image is 5 separate photos brought together for one 50 inch long image. It took a great deal more editing to make up for the high contrast that goes with the unrelenting winter sun, but I’m somewhat happy with the results.

Paris in Winter

Paris is the center of the known universe. I say that without reservation. What I wanted most from one of my trips across the pond was a panorama of the Paris skyline. The hard part was finding a high enough point to take that picture. As you can see, Paris is a rather flat city. With the slight exception of a tall, black building near the center, I was at a loss to find a high point until I came to the Arc de Triomphe. From there I was able to achieve my goal. Continue reading Paris in Winter