Category Archives: The Photographs

Paris, France

A rainy day in Paris is not conductive to color photography, but you make the best of what you have. I found this scene on the path outside of Les Invalides. I knew immediately this was a black and white shot, classic composition, but that it was going to a be a bit tough getting the tonal range right. I think I achieved just the right amount of contrast, but I toy now and again with this shot, trying to find that sweet spot.

Here is something I always tell people about the Eiffel Tower; no matter how big you imagine it is, it is always bigger when you stand under it.

Still Life

This photo is a color study I did as part of tuning my system, such as the camera itself to the screen ICM profiles on my Mac and finally the printer profiles for output. I found a simple peacock feather to be a daunting subject when photographed against a black background, but persistence ruled the day.

London, England

I as much stumbled across this scene as anything I had ever taken.

We were walking down Whitehall, heading for a recommended pub where a good lunch was to be had at a reasonable price, when I spotted a pair of the Queen’s House Cavalry manning their post in front of their barracks. They were already demonstrating their spot on discipline, with tourists jockeying for position for selfies with the horses and I didn’t want to be just another idiot showing something bordering on disrespect. Continue reading London, England